Joints – Images

August 1, 2008

Colourful images of various types of joints are given under this post. Observe the arrows given in diarthroses that explain whether the joint is monaxial, biaxial or nonaxial depending on the number of axes around which movement is possible at the joint.

* Coronal Suture is between frontal and parietal bones.
* Observe the chord-like ligament and sheet-like interosseous membrane
* Periodontal Membrane joins root of tooth to the alveolar socket in thecodont teeth * When the elongation of the bone caeses, epiphyseal plate (hyaline cartilage without perichondrium) is replaced by bone, thus, he joint becomes a synostosis (bony joint) * Functionally, symphysis is an amphiarthrose (slightly movable joint) and facilitates parturition (labour)
* Observe that ball bearing bone can rotate around several axes (multiaxial)
* Hinge joint allows motion around only one axis (monaxial) * Classic example of pivot joint is the atlanto-axial joint, that permits the head to turn from side to side as when you shake your head while saying “no”. Radioulnar joint shown here enables palms to turn anteriorly and posteriorly * Notice the arrow marks that explain the biaxial nature of saddle joint.

Rabbit Skull – Videos

July 31, 2008

Three dimensional view of skull of rabbit in rotation can be seen in the three videos posted here.

Rabbit Skeleton Images

July 27, 2008

This is a slide show of various images of skeleton of rabbit. When you move your mouse over the image, the cursor changes to a hand. Click on the image. You will see the play controls appearing at the bottom of the image. You may use the pause/play button as well as the next and previous buttons to navigate.

Gout Disease

January 18, 2008

Gouty arthritis or gout results from damage to articular cartilage due to deposition of uric acid crystals in joints.